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What can be the best ways to achieve open access to scholarly publications?

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  • #1055
    Moumita Koley

    We all agree that publicly funded research should be accessible by public. But under the current model of scientific publishing-the articles are not accessible. Either you pay for a particular article as an individual or institute take subscription on the journal. But how to make the scientific articles accessible? ” green access” probably the solution, where the author voluntarily puts the article in public domain. But we need a constructive approach to make it more universal.


    In 2017, the Open Access India had submitted a policy draft (National Open Access Policy of India (Draft) Ver. 3) to the Government (click here) and again in 2018, Delhi Declaration on Open Access was pronounced (click here). These are the efforts made by the community of practices to make aware all the stakeholders of the scholarly ecosystem on how to ‘OpenUp’ the access to the public funded research. However there needs much larger efforts and push for ‘Open Access’ as still we see that publications in ‘High Impact Factor’ journals which are mainly for profit commercial journals decide our career growth.

    Moumita Koley

    The best way to share the publications will be ” green access”. Most of the journals nowadays accept the sharing of “post print”-the author version before type setting. Even if there is embargo, that’s mostly 6 months for journals in STI field.

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