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Allocate a percentage of funding of R&D projects for science communication

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    The results from any research project which gets a Central funding of above (say) Rs 10,00,000/-should be evaluated and reported in media. It will create transparency in research funding.
    Allocate say Rs 10,000/- for evaluation by a science communicator with a PhD degree or proven abilities. The reports can be published in a magazine. European Union which funds research does this in a magazine called eu*research (https://cordis.europa.eu/research-eu).
    Rs 5000/- for research, travel and writing. If it is accepted for publication in the Indian version of the magazine, then Rs 5000/- more.
    It will improve science reporting in the country – a point that should be given a little more flesh and blood in STIP 2020 than in STIP2013.
    it will also reduce corruption in approvals of grants and project applications in the long run.
    By making the project funding list (at least a part of the national expenses on research) digitally accessible by DST was a big step in transparency. But at the end of the projects, if there are media reports, the taxpayers will be satisfied and voters will become pro-science and pro-research in general. Without this mass support, allocation of 2% of GDP for research will remain a dream.
    The amounts mentioned above are only indicative. The process for selecting the communicator and the contractual procedures may need to be formulated. But the concept should be discussed with Vigyan Prasar, NCSTC and NISCAIR.
    For your kind consideration,

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