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Implement transparent recruitment process

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    I believe there are ample job opportunities in teaching and research fields existing in the central universities and institutions and also a lot of eligible candidates. Yet many faculty positions remain vacant for years at end because hiring involves evaluation by the ‘internal’ committees and approvals by several funding agencies. Such internal committees can be biased, or have other issues due to which the best of candidates are often ignored, or simply loose out due to the internal clashes of the committee members. If this step is eliminated in the hiring process and suitable candidates from different fields are selected through centrally appointed independent committees one can 1. save many resources, 2. allow a fair chance for all eligible candidates across the country, 3. create a pool by collating the data on all such candidates which can be used as and when needed for recruitment and 4. prevent various internal biases hindering the hiring for vacancies to a large extent. This will also save the candidates a lot of time spent on preparing applications in different formats etc..

    Also, regulations should be thoughtfully implemented, for instance the requirement for a candidate to be from an EWS category for an associate professor position in a university can never be satisfied because of the pre-requisite that such a candidate must have served n number of years as an assistant professor, unless the candidate has been unemployed for at least a year prior to applying for the associate professorship. Yet, such positions are created and advertised.


    There are many opportunities in the field of science and technology in industries as well as in teaching faculty and also in research and development sector of our nation . For this sake students at earlier stages must be checked through examinations and tests . Students must be picked up through these examinations. And the recruitment process mustbe unbiased . Talents from rural areas should be encouraged to participate in such type of examinations.


    Dear Participant

    Your fears on hiring the right man for the right job are indeed well founded. Certainly the process of hiring is often not to one’s satisfaction. Most of factors cited are close to truth.

    A decent solution would be to have independent recruitment boards either region-wise or group of universities/academic institutions together. This way it is easy to find relevant experts from elsewhere to handle the whole process with least bias.

    Director IIG Mumbai

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