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    Jenice Goveas

    India’s startup ecosystem has produced 27 unicorns but none are in the deep tech domain.This is an issue that the STI policy needs to address. How can India unlock innovation in the deep Tech sector and what are the challenges?


    Good afternoon,

    India can unlock innovation in deep tech by overcoming some scientific laws around it.

    I mathematically & theoretically solved how the entire solar system hangs in space including Sun and earth. With the same science UFO spaceship works. I can prove it if given an opportunity. USA govt recently accepted the UFOs were real with proof of images. We can overcome time & space with this science.

    I imagine science will overcome some basic laws in near future where we were restricted to use under gravity. As science cannot be controlled under gravity.

    As the economy is completely driven by science, according to me defying gravity and producing free energy without fossil fuels will be the role of science in near future. By this we can unlock innovation indeep tech sector. This will make India the pioneer in science and resulting with greater economic growth.

    Kindly give me an opportunity to prove it with proof of concept with a model to make UFOs.

    Thank you

    Murali Krishna

    Dr. Ajay Kumar

    I think we must incorporate a course on innovation, processes of innovation, intellectual property because it is important as scientific writing, and communicating science if not more than them. I suggest combining “Innovation, Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship” as one skill course in because Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship are all interlinked. We need to orient students in the first Sem itself on innovations. Idea to add this course is to train students to innovate in addition to generating papers. Can they come up with an innovation in all these 8-10 Semesters? 4-5 years is a good time to innovate. Instead of focusing on dissertations, if two-three students work on some innovative technologies/processes/designs from Sem 2 or 3 itself. I hope they can at least come up with some demonstrative, innovative outcomes. It is not just about teaching them individually, but a specialized orientation throughout is required and a beginning must be based on the strong theoretical foundations of innovations.

    Innovation is envisioned in the NEP 2020 as one of the most important components of Curriculum right from School Level. Page No. 1, Para 4 of the NEP 2020 states “Indeed, with the quickly changing employment landscape and global ecosystem, it is becoming increasingly critical that children not only learn, but more importantly learn how to learn. Education thus, must move towards less content, and more towards learning about how to think critically and solve problems, how to be creative and multidisciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and absorb new material in novel and changing fields”. Further, NEP 2020 document of 60 plus pages mentions the word Innovate more than 50 times. NEP 2020 clearly and specifically positions Innovation at the center of the Science and Technology Curriculum from Primary to Higher Education and Research Level. NEP envisages an education system to be Innovation orientated rather than traditional rote learning.

    George Jacob

    upgradation of world day by day creating more facilities and varieties in society, which also benefit students approach and last some years students ae getting smart as compare to 90’s students and now students approach to online dissertation help uk for thesis, unique, non plagiarize and relevant assignment base on practical approach.


    I believe we need to include a course on innovation, innovation processes, intellectual property, since it is important, if not more than them, as scientific writing and communication of science. I would like to propose combining innovation, intellectual property, and enterprise as specialist training because all of them are Business.

    Source: https://mycalcu.com/business-calculators


    Now the real innovation is taking shape in Salesforce. I was amazed, for example, when I found out about what they’ve done now. For example, you can also look and read the details about salesforce iot services , here you can understand and learn a lot about it. So I recommend to read it. Now we are integrating this system into our company with the help of these specialists, so you should also have a look at them.


    thanks for the info

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