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  • in reply to: Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Nexus #1128

    The initial Idea was shared with Sh. Jairam Ramesh. I did a sketch of detailed model, which I am now reviewing with a group of Professors, Professionals (CTOs) and Business Analysts. That is a raw draft. I hope to create a sharable document by month-end.

    in reply to: Access to Knowledge and Resources #1127

    There is a lot of overlap in understanding the differences between commonly used (abused) terms: Data – Data Structure – Database
    For most people, PDF file or an Excel sheet is everything (All 3 Data, Data-Structure and Database)

    This got confirmed from a reply from RTI on National Data Repository.

    There are numerous international efforts on Data-Standards and Data base models. In subject areas of my interest, I found nearly ZERO participation from India.

    Trivializing Scientific Database creation, curation and usage will only lead to notional data repositories!

    in reply to: Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Nexus #1125

    Indeed.. Nexus of Forces and Stake-Holders in a platform of FAIR-PLAYING field is conceived.
    I sent this to Parliamentary Committee on S&T lead by Mr. Jairam Ramesh (MP, INC).
    It emulates the Nexus built in other successful models like Finance, Commerce and Industry.

    in reply to: Access to Knowledge and Resources #1118

    National Data Repository is a clutter of PDF, Excel, Uncurated data-files

    Most CSIR, DST Institutes DO NOT MAINTAIN Database or KNOWLEDGE BASE

    Simply using the term Database does not make one
    Simply using AI does not make any program Artificial Intelligent

    PM Modi did mention this — CHALTA HAI attitude. Take-it-Easy Policy. Just using fancy names and terms for mundane reality

    in reply to: STI Governance #1116

    SCIENCE gets Investment and Development MAINLY from Government sources

    S&T investments in Private sector are always INTERNAL looking and never made OPEN
    S&T institutes in Private sector (cooperative) are few and modest

    Public Sector R&D Institutes, CSIR, RR Labs, IITs, Universities, DRDL, etc. — MAIN S&T Infrastructure of India

    All are directly funded by Government

    PROPOSAL for STI Governance
    1. OPEN the S&T Space like COMMERCE Space
    2. A mapping of Industry/Commerce to Science is as follows:
    i) DST == SEBI
    ii) National Data Repository == NSDL/CSDL – DP
    iii) Institutes R&D Centers == Companies (listed companies)
    iv) Scientific Facilities == Company Infrastructure
    v) Scientific Projects == Company Product line
    vi) Govt/Private Investor == INstitutional Investor in Stocks
    vii) Scientists == Skilled Industrial Professional force

    3. This makes the entire system AGILE and OPEN for SCRUTINY.
    4. FUNDS will flow in any OPEN, Transparent, INTEGRITY, Performing System

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